
30 July 2012

Snickerdoodle Cookies

Hello all :) Lets get to the point and talk about one of my favourite topics, cookies. Cookies are just plain ace, I love them all...maybe not those with dried cranberries or cherries in..but thats just me, and they arn't very common, and lets be fair I would probably devour them anyway, so I stand by my original statement. Anyway, I baked these pillowy soft lovelies on a friday to take with me camping that weekend. I have always loved the look of snickerdoodles, cinnamon definitely being a favourite spice of mine, and planned on making the more 'classic' version using cream of tartar. However I found myself craving them the other day and sadly no cream of tartar on I wandered over to the ace site Joy of Baking (if you have not checked it out before you really should, its simply full of reliable, gorgeous and rated recipes) who had just the snickerdoodles I was looking for! They also point out that baking powder is equivalent to baking soda + cream of tartar, so it made me feel a little less bad for making the newer version!

17 July 2012

Nyan Cat Cake

Hello lovely people! This is a bit of a random post without a new recipe as such, but my first proper solo cake decorating adventure so I thought I would share it with you :) I also have a fair bit of exciting news at the end too!

It was my better half's 25th birthday last friday, prompting many 'quarter of a century old' jokes, and it was our first birthday shared together so I wanted to try and make it a good'un! I got him a few prezzies, including an engraved pewter tankard so he can act like the lord of the manor, and I also made him a little toy hamster which you can see above (with slightly bent ears there for some reason!), as that is one of his nicknames for me..10 points if you guessed chubby cheeks!