
16 April 2013

Oh-So Good Berry and Citrus Muffins

I would like to start by saying I have made these muffins a lot over the past 4 or so months, the most popular muffins I bake at the cafe/lounge bar I work at, and therefore one of the most tried and tested recipes on this blog! It's a good'un I promise, often requested by locals here. This recipe I found on Mel's Kitchen Cafe titled 'The Best Blueberry Muffins', for her to call it the best you know it's going to be dang good. So if you haven't tried this recipe yet give it a go, if people are willing to pay good money for them here then hopefully it's a winner!

7 April 2013

Makeover Time!

Hello everyone! :) Sorry it's been so long and also that I have a rather boring little post for you without any recipes! Just a quick note to explain the overhaul on the blog image, in the near future you might notice quite a lot of templates being trialed on the blog. This is because it sadly seems my old template decided to go a bit funny on me so forcing a (probably much needed) makeover! So until I find one and settle with it I may have a bit of fun finding the new theme for 'The Procrastobaker' :)

As a quick update whilst I'm here; currently still in Paihia, Bay of Islands with my lovely other half Pete. We both are working in a lounge bar/cafe on the waterfront and I bake the muffins every morning I work which is brilliant! Learning a lot and have some aweessommee recipes I can't wait to share with you! I also work as a cook/host/general boat-y on a lunch/dinner cruise that goes around the bay, so all in all we are having lots of fun working and are now planning our next adventure to the South Island, hopefully to work in a ski resort over winter :)

Will try my hardest to be a better blogger and maybe this template failure was a not so subtle nudge back to you all! If you have any opinions on any templates I trial please do comment to let me know :)

Much love

Sasha xxx